When your income won’t stretch any further, help might be available. See below for programs available to assist with your utility bills.
When your income won’t stretch any further, help might be available. See below for programs available to assist with your utility bills.
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program or LIHEAP provides money to help individuals with energy bills and other energy-related expenses. LIHEAP is funded through the federal government and works with state agencies and community action partners to qualify customers and distribute assistance.
Through Entergy's The Power to Care program, local nonprofit agencies help provide emergency bill payment assistance to our customers who are 60 years of age or older or have disabilities. Thanks to donations from our employees and customers, we are able to help many of these customers pay their bills in their time of need.
Qualifying customers who are experiencing financial hardship may be eligible to take up to four months to pay their current bill and/or unpaid balances. For example, a 1-month arrangement will defer your entire balance to the next bill, while a 4-month arrangement will spread the open balance across the next 4 invoices. Your full current balance, including any due installment amount, must be paid by 5pm CST on that bill’s due date. Failure to meet this due date may void the arrangement and prevent you from being offered additional arrangements for 12 months.
Qualifying customers who need a few extra days to pay their bill can request an extension on their due date. As long as you pay your extended balance in full by 5pm CST on the new due date, you will be protected from disconnection of service. If disconnected, the entire past due amount must be paid to be reconnected, and an additional deposit or fees may apply. If you break an extension agreement, it also may affect your ability to enter into payment arrangements in the future.